So I am a pretty good shooter for the most part can shoot off dribble, open shots, things like that and Ive been complimented by coaches or other players that its one of my strengths. The issue I'm having though is I've spent hours and hours constantly modifying or tweaking my jumpshot i want to say 20-30 times Ive made small tweaks to my jumpshot in my basketball career (im 17) rather if its going back and forth between different things or adding new things. How do I get rid of that "phobia"; mind you the main reason I start changing it is when Im unsatisfied on my shooting that day where theres days I will try and make a corner three for example and hit the side of the backboard then I start thinking its my elbow, or its my guide hand or its my base. Then a few days later once I fix it its something else. Is there such thing as the perfect jumpshot? I see klay have almost the perfect jumpshot but obviously now he's almost lost his touch but its the same shot. Thanks
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There is no perfect shot. I don't even think Klay has the best on tbh. For you just just find the most comfortable shot that feels the best and focus on the basics within that like following thru and having a good based. Just because you miss doesn't mean your shot is messed up. You should go read Pro Shooting Secrets. It's in the workout programs section for free if you wanna download it or you can just access it through Free Resources. That book will help you understand and don't feel the need to change it based off the book. Just understand the philosophy. Everyone has their own shot your master what's comfortable for you and keep it basic